Thursday, April 17, 2008

Out the door

Or maybe I should have called this off the cuff. This is my first entry and it's really draining to type uninspired. The warm fuzzies have fled leaving in their wake dread. Ha a rhyme but not in time to save you from that distaste building for the aimless hacking I've subjected your weary eyes too. Speed bumps and land mines ieds are amok and if you continue you'll surely trip one or get tripped.

Bringing upon me gloom and ire Davis Fleetwood will post no more of his regaled videos for our pleasure and education .. oh woe is me for I related so lavishly to his character the Hermit, and now I'm left alone in my angst to my own devices. Thankfully sludge report2-BBb57 , Johnny Smooth and the zipster are still in production or I'd be left watching network.

Couldn't recall what made my head spin more the news so many you tubers were leaving or some of the recent headlines.

Here's one that made me want to scream... Plastic Surgeon authors child's book documenting Mommy's plastic surgery, raises so many issues I will definitely blog it. "My Beautiful Mommy"

There's the Tyra episode outlining the roles women and men play sexually. I have so much to say to that, can't wait for the blog myself.

Recent political scandals, not just the sexy ones. I for one am not so easily distracted. Let's talk Nukes , rigged elections , electoral votes , super delegates and mass abuse of power.

Now, I'm a freak of sorts , a polygamist no but understanding to a degree the goal ... getting laid a lot as well as all other needs met. Of course there is a problem, I was born female , enjoy being female and just ain't that generous. Unless of course we are talking about some role swapping . Say 10 husbands per wife , sounds like a plan . Just no marriages under 18 unless to a spouse also under 18. As long as the Gment recognizes it as a religion orgy on !!

Heard mention of educational reforms ," No child left alive"! Sounds like one of GWB's if ever. I can see it now , with all the malcontents and kooks shouldn't take more than a decade and a few misplaced billions. Where are they again ? Oh yeah in Iraq and in off shore accounts .. silly me!

Everyone is a "Guitar Hero or American Idol wannabe" reminds me of the cult and sci fi films I grew up painfully watching. There wasn't anything else on TV then and there still isn't . Canned info for a canned consumer . What an absolute let down!

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